comments 52



Dinosaurio baby


Dinosaurio baby


Dinosaurio baby


Dinosaurio baby

Joven dinosaurio, una de mis primeras piezas que conservo en propiedad.

Arcilla roja y cuero; decoración con esmaltes en bicocción.

Cerámica Belén Soto


    • Thanks Elena, is one of my first pieces and liked it so much that at that time I decided not to sell it, is one of the few that keep and I’m glad, Greetings

  1. hercules340461

    te invito a la comunidad de genreracion de grandes pensadores del 2013 que lo puedes encontrar en google+ buscando

    • I am especially grateful for your comment, I’ve always been a bad photographer and trying to improve, your words encourage me, have a wonderful week!!

  2. Dino is absolutely adorable! He could give Drake a lot of competition! Also, very sweet shots! Thank you for sharing this lovely friend with us, Belén. Many hugs!

    • He still is a dino-baby, but when he grows up … maybe his head will be more proportionate to the rest of his body 🙂
      Thanks Resa, is one of my favorite creations, is an adorable little guy.
      Kisses … and good week !!!

    • Dear Mihaela, thank you very much for your invitation and for taking a place for me in your blog, I am honored and really grateful !!
      True, not have much time, but at least, I will try 🙂
      I really appreciate your support for my work and your kind words, besides a great artist, you’re a good friend, thank you.
      A big hug and my wishes for a great week.

      • Thank you, Belen, for your wonderful and friendly reply. I am that one that is honored by the beautiful words that you wrote to me. I adore your art works and I am so happy to talk about them. Thank you for everything! Hugs and have a wonderful and creative day!

    • My little Dino shows you the best of their smiles 🙂
      Thank you very much Christy, the creatures that inhabit the workshop … and I, wish you a wonderful week.
      You deserve it!! Hugs.

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